Welcome to Graduate Christian Fellowship at NC State!

We are the Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF), a group of North Carolina State University (NCSU) graduate and professional students who gather to seek Christ together in grad school and beyond. We also welcome “survivors” of graduate school, including post-docs and other alumni.

We are primarily organized around a Tuesday Night Bible Study with fun events to serve and build community.

Tuesday Night Bible Study

What: Studies begin with reading the week’s passage together. We discuss the passage next, and then how God and the passage intersect with our lives. We conclude by praying for one another and our community.

For the spring of 2024, we’re planning to study Deuteronomy.

When: For Bible study, we meet weekly on Tuesday nights at 7:15pm and wrap up around 9:30 pm. We recognize that graduate students are busy, so the group is very flexible with people leaving early or coming late.

Where: Check the calendar; we usually meet at an alumni townhouse. To attend remotely, for directions, or for a ride (or any other questions), please contact us!

We’d love to meet you!

See our Events page for upcoming fun and fellowship!